Our Services

Committed to Quality and Excellence 

On-Site Calibration & 

Why calibrate and maintain your scale or weighing system?

Calibrated, verified and maintained scales save you money :
* Less wastage on raw materials and controlling production/labour input.
* More profit for correctly formulated products.
* Accurately shipped goods.
* Save on services/deliveries determined by mass.

We can offer on site calibration/testing for scales and weighbridges of any size. Most scales should be tested for accuracy every 6 months. 


We repair scales brought into our workshop or arriving by courier. Brands covered include all of Richter Scale products such as : Jadever, Zemic, Anubis, Kubota, Bison, Ricelake to name a few. We will work on most other scale brands with a vast array of spares and service manuals at our disposal. Our workshop and staff is prepared for repairs ranging from general repairs including pc board repair down to component level.

When booking your scale into our workshop please make sure to bring the complete scale (indicator, power supply and platform) as it needs to be tested as a complete system. We carry a wide range of spares to enable repairs to be completed without delay. Onsite repairs of your scales and weighing systems can be quoted on if you require that service to be done on your premises.

Service Contracts

We are NRCS and SANAS accredited to an unlimited capacity which means we can calibrate, NRCS/SANAS verify , NRCS/SANAS repair and maintain your scales on site.

We offer service contracts which are for 2/4/6 or 12 visits per year and include all labour, traveling, technical support and break down. You pay no labour on any repairs either and you get test certificates at every visit with reports of any scales that are in need of repair etc, as-well as preferential rates on new scales. We have some of the country's largest organizations under contract for many years.

Richter Scale has a  level 2 B-BEEE Certificate. You may request our latest certificate here.

Legal Metrology Accredited

We are an NRCS and SANAS accredited Verification body and Repair body under the Legal Metrology Act and Legal Metrology Regulations. Our products are type approved for trade use / prescribed purpose and thus carry the NRCS stamp of quality and excellence, giving you the confidence that you will get a product that meets a standard of quality and reliability which is traceable to international metrology and quality standards.





M2 Factory


NRCS Approvals


Export Markets

Frequently Asked Questions

There are so many choices out there including a wide variety of scales to choose from. Buying a cheap scale can hide many hidden costs and problems for the average buyer with little knowledge of scales.


Firstly the cheap components :
1. Cheap parts, electronics and load cells
2. Inferior build quality
3. Lack of LOA by NRCS for electrical safety. A LEGAL requirement to protect you.
4. Zero Availability of spares and NO serviceability.

We've have been in the weighing industry for 50 years and we know what makes a good weighing product. Cheap grey imports and online trading sites have created a market to dump inferior products on the unsuspecting scale buyer/user.

Richter Scale has one of the largest lines of NRCS approved scales and weighing systems in Southern Africa. We would not be able to survive the ups and downs of the economy and ruining our reputation by selling cheap products that don't last.
Buying an industrial scale that will stand up to the rigours of the local market and operators requires careful and fully informed research.

A loadcell is the heart of any scale. Inferior metals, combined with un-tested and unstable strain gauges within these loadcells mean that these cannot perform consistently in various conditions, temperatures or even during simple repeatability testing by the untrained operator!

Untrained and unaccredited suppliers simply don’t have this knowledge or worse they don’t actually care that they are suppling a scale no matter how bad the quality is - some go out of accuracy within an hour as they have cheap components.

Scales that are dirt cheap are only so because they are using junk components and basic materials. Most are supplied un-calibrated or just in a basic box. How can you trust a scale or supplier with no traceability or pedigree?

This is massively important and required by LAW = electrical safety tests to protect your equipment and premises for electrical failure.
Your insurance company may request this information should your unit fail. Protect people and property by staying away from grey imports and import dumping practices of illegal and sometimes dangerous electronics.

It’s impossible to decide on the quality by simply viewing a digital picture or image. Without a proven track record and brand in the industry you are buying purely on price and not on anything else because you know nothing about the scale. Seeing the scale in person and a simple check of the steel content and build strength is an easy check to do yourself.

How can you further prevent making a poor choice?

Firstly - Stick to manufactures who have a proven track record supplying and manufacturing quality and supplying scales with spares and backup service - Such as Richter Scale Co. Half a century in weighing = successful products and backup.

Secondly - Looking for NRCS type approved for trade scales or NRCS LOA approval for others is the next step. If they don’t have at least one of these 2 NRCS quality marks, they are either dangerous and may cause electrical shock/failure or they don't pass the accuracy standards.

By buying a recognised name and brand, you will always be able to have service, repair and calibration of the machine and the assurance your purchase will have a longer service life.
Scales that are cheap grey imports or from online trading sites can’t be repaired or in some cases even calibrated!

These junk scales WILL cost you accuracy = lost time = lost money = lost profits.
A scale in most cases is the direct measure of the inputs and outputs of your business. SO WHY COMPROMISE? You will only be losing money and given product away.

Have Any Questions or Queries?

Write to us and we will answer all your questions

Authorised agents in Southern Africa for:

avic zemic
rice lake weighing systems
right weigh


147 Industrial Road, Pretoria West, Pretoria Industrial Gauteng, 0183 South Africa
(+27) 0123862060/ 1
(+27) 0123860345/ 6


Please Note: Specifications, options and availability subject to change without prior notice.
All rights reserved.